Weak textile market, product differentiation
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According to a downstream textile company, the current carded yarn benefits are not satisfactory. First, there are fewer orders, which are basically maintained until the end of December, and follow-up orders are insufficient; second, spinning profits are low, supported by reserve cotton in the early stage, and the company still has a meager profit. If all new cotton textiles are used, the loss per ton of cotton yarn is more than 1,000 yuan/ton; third, the downstream fabric factories have large stocks and are currently in the process of destocking, and there is insufficient motivation to purchase cotton yarn in the short term. There is another situation that deserves attention. Now companies are very cautious in purchasing. As the end of the year is approaching, companies are under great pressure to pay back. Without sufficient cash, it is difficult to keep a large amount of inventory. Therefore, the short-term textile industry is still very deserted.

   A textile company in Henan also stated that its own company mainly does contract processing, and orders are placed at the end of the year, and the profit per ton of yarn is more than 1,000 yuan/ton. Now the price of new cotton is 22,000 yuan/ton. Even if it purchases new cotton spinning yarn, there is still a certain profit. Although the industry as a whole is sluggish, the production and sales of the company are stable. At present, the order and profit of combed yarn are relatively poor, which is obviously inferior to semi-finished yarn or compact yarn. The company said that there are two-eight laws in every industry. Even if the industry is in a downturn, when most companies are not doing well, some companies will do well in business operations. Generally speaking, the cotton spinning industry is not as pessimistic as everyone thinks. It is normal to encounter problems at present. After all, the entire industry has experienced a round of rapid development since last year. If the development speed slows down, some companies will feel uncomfortable.

   Cotton prices are basically stable now, which provides conditions for corporate purchases, otherwise spinning mills can only sit and watch cotton prices fly up and down. Therefore, when the industry is too pessimistic, you must keep calm and think and not follow the trend.